Author Archives: 吳旻珂
Janine Chang Loves Sports and “Him”: The Only Caffeine-Free Functional Tea the Goddess Drinks Seriously
Chunhua Shen Advocates “Less Plastic Spoons, Love the Earth”: AGV’s Plastic Reduction Gift Box Launches in a New Edition
Koya Biotech Corp. first international plant-based brand, "OatBella," utilizes innovative technology, "Patented Hydrolyzed Oat Powder," in cross-category product development. At this year's food exhibition, they unveiled "OatBella Soft Serve Oat Milk," a 100% vegan plant-based formula. Developed with patented hydrolysis technology, this plant-based soft serve ice cream offers a smooth, rich, and uncompromisingly delicious taste comparable to dairy products.
WOW!! 喝雀巢檸檬茶還有機會抽中10萬現金!! 讓WING STARS應援女神安芝儇陪你一起度過這又悶又熱的夏天,想要瞬間清涼暢快,快走進超商、超市,來瓶「雀巢檸檬茶」新鮮檸檬香與清爽紅茶的絕妙搭配,經典酸甜滋味,口感暢快清涼!好喝到爆!
人氣啦啦隊女神李多慧表示 :「我愛台灣,更愛吃台灣美食,只要喝對茶,血糖、體脂肪管的乖乖的,爆辣性感S曲線,你也可以輕鬆擁有。」經常在螢光幕前分享美食清單,李多慧從不刻意節食,卻擁有人人稱羨的翹臀螞蟻腰,令粉絲不斷追問秘訣,她大方分享說:「健康性感的秘密茶飲就是分解茶啦」!
愛之味咖哩豆腐 蘇丹紅檢驗報告 愛之味素食沙茶醬 蘇丹紅檢驗報告 愛之味麻婆豆腐 蘇丹紅檢驗報告 愛之味漢方麻…
Chen Che-Fang, the co-founder of Nice and AGV, once said, "There are no traditional industries, only traditional minds." Known as the king of ideas, his foresight and insistence on food safety led AGV to invest millions to establish a testing center in 1988, safeguarding health through food education and accompanying the taste memories of many people.
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